
Adventures in Babying: 1 week in.

A new series on the pod, perhaps weekly, perhaps more or less frequently.

I would very much like to write more about having a child, but said child takes most of my attention.  Still, I thought I might relay the following anecdote, as I think it is worthwhile.

Today, one week in, the Young Sir had his first pediatrician appointment.  He is doing well, but they gave us a case of formula to supplement him with (no big deal).  Unfamiliar with how these sorts of things are done, at the conclusion of the appointment, I asked the front desk if I needed to pay for the case of formula.  A polite, smiling, PA told me that I did not.  

Leaving the office, I wondered why I thought that we might have had to pay for the stuff.  Which was when I remembered the only other medical circumstance that I have experience with wherein the patient is given medical food in the office…visits the Vet.

Children, it seems, are not like pets.

We close the first in our series with an obligatory Baby Photo: